Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Munny Art

Uma and Eagle sent me this Munny box (i actually thought it'll be a small one like those cuties i see in Secret Fresh; really surprised that it's larger). I'm excited to start painting. I just have to conceptualize the art.  I'm really thankful and grateful that they want my art to become a part of their growing collection, that they like to keep my work with them for the rest of their lives and show it off to their grandchildren hahah, so i seriously want to do my best. I'm scared to mess up, so i think i'll do some studies first. :)

By the way, i guess i gave Mori a good scare when he saw my ipod's cordless speaker lurking around the room. He's been hissing angrily while the speaker was bass-beating Those Dancing Days as if pleading not guilty. Hahah. That menacing grin. 


  1. haha, aw, poor mori. :) that's so cool you're going to create some munny art. i can't wait to see it when you're finished {or at least i hope you show us when you're finished}.

  2. Thanks Kim. Yep, i will post it when i'm done. :)

