Saturday, April 9, 2011

chasing thoughts

It's been two weeks of having a serious difficulty remembering things. Even my boss at work called my attention commenting how i tend to forget some instructions. Recently, i'm scribbling down every single detail so i won't miss anything. The other day, it occurred that i forgot the name of the classmate i used to share seats during recess in high school days and i felt silly asking who she is when she added me in fb, hahah. I can't remember my mother's birth year. And i don't remember my father's birth date at all. Despite the fact that i cannot recall his face, i'm sure (until now) that i still know his date of birth as it is stated on some documents i own. I'm starting to worry. I also know that i have an appointment at the foreign affairs office so i'm tracing back when through mail threads. I forgot my ym password just the other day. And now, i know i ought to meet two of my college friends somewhere in Manila/Makati (?) around some time (?). I failed to jot down the details yesterday and i'm still yet to reach the girls's mobiles *palm-face* *lol-tongue-out*. If it's in Manila, i'm dead hahah. Must google map now. But the point is ~ what to google map, hahah.

Meanwhile, i just want to note this. I don't want to forget things. I hope i won't. Right now, there are wonderful things i feel that i cannot comprehend why nor trace where from. I'm praying this is just a memory lapse and not some form of recall distortion from last year's medication. I'm going to re-read back some stuff i've written. I will fix this. I don't have a problem thinking logically. The trouble lies with the events, names, faces, and details. Time for some memory games. Wish me luck.

*Then when i come back to this entry, i'm going to recall how i had a worry-free day just thinking how i'll run my map. I'll just shrug back and throw a good laugh on how this freaking week is amnesia-ish silly.

fun reads keep the track rolling

may some days become just lazy and worry-free like this candid (before i glanced to find a photo being taken :P) 

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