Thursday, March 31, 2011

are you stressed?

I AM. Unexpected events, pain-in-the-arse clients, a 'crossing-the-street-on-a-red-light-but-why-the-hell-is-this-stupid-car-speeding-i-almost-got-hit' incident. Name it.

Anyway, i do not want the daylight mishaps get through my evening. So lemme just stick few random stuff that made me smile amidst the unreasonably endorphin-rush-ed day.

neverending ocean 
finally, my last box to pack

i can devour the clouds like cotton candy, i got the afternoon sky consolation
how my DIY strawberry necklace and specs compliment each other like they're soulmates, hah 
another image from a photoshoot that i like (in spite of me not smiling)
Breathe in, breathe out. 

~ Meanwhile, going to dance with this tune. Ciao!


  1. Wow. I like the picture of the sky =) and Doraemon too. Happy weekend Gracey. Btw, were you going?

  2. oh boy, i'm glad you didn't get hurt in a car accident! but yeah, i agree, this week was Stressful! it's almost over though right? and your photos are fantastic. i love your necklace & glasses. you're so smart & classy!

  3. Wow, the car thing sounds scary!! I like the lovely little things you picked out, what a sweet post :)

